Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Introduction and Setting up


·         Build tool
·         Project management tool

Common problems and activities
·         In managing multiple jars
·         In managing Dependencies and Versions
·         In managing Project structure
·         Used for Building, Publishing and Deployement

Download the latest maven from below URL.
In my case I have downloaded "apache-maven-3.0.5-bin.zip"

Steps to flow for installing maven
1. Extract the zip file
2. Set below Environment variables (Windows 7)
                M2_HOME = C:\java\apache-maven-3.0.5
                PATH = C:\java\apache-maven-3.0.5\bin or C:\java\apache-maven-3.0.5\bin;%PATH%
3. Go to command prompt Run-> cmd
4. check maven version using command -> mvn --version
5. Make sure your command should be on bin path eg: C:>java>apache-maven-3.0.5
6. Create directory using command -> mkdir myapp
7. Go into "myapp" direction using command -> eg: C:>java>apache-maven-3.0.5>myapp>
8. Now type "mvn archetype:generate" and enter,
   It will prompt to choose a number which is nothing but archeType(Project Type). In my case it is 264
   Now it will prompt with different version, choose latest version. In my case I have choosen 6
   It creates project with all the dependencies available in settings.xml
9. Now it asks for groupId, which is nothing but package name eg: org.yash.javajadhav
10. Now it asks for artifactId, which is nothing but Classname eg: MavenTestApp
11. Now it prompt with Snapshot version, in my case it is 1.0-SNAPSHOT - Don't type anything just press enter
12. Now it prompt with package , in my case it is org.yash.javajadhav - Don't type anything just press enter
11. Now it prompt - you want to continue - y / no - n

Now the project will be created at below path
It contains src directory and pom.xml
src contains two directories they are
·         main which contains application.
·         test which contains test application like junit

pom.xml contains the information about the application itself and what the dependencies are
In my case it has only dependency i.e. junit
We just need to add first entry point of dependency all remaining jars will be taken care by Maven

Compile our application using below command
mvn complie
Make sure you will be in application directory (C:\java\apache-maven-3.0.5\myapp\MavenTestApp)

Now we require packages, type below command
mvn package

It will create “MavenTestApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar” in target directory
Now we have jar, lets execute it using below command.
Java -cp target/MavenTestApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar org.yash.javajadhav.App

Maven gets all its knowledge from maven repository
It has two type of information they are 1.ArchetypeInfo  2.Dependency Info
Archetype Info: Has information about different types of projects you want to create, folder structure and all the required information creating a new project of that particular type
Dependency info: Has information about list of all the jars.

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